Hear that?…
It’s the sound of silence. It’s the sound of YOU doing you, and self-caring yourself into a Goop-like stew by taking some time to read this without the incessant sound of your “Am I, or will I be, a good parent, do I even like children, is there such a thing as gay-friendly soft play?*” interior monologue.
*Note to prospective parents: Soft plays are even less gay than All Bar One on a Friday night, but infinitely more civilised than G.A.Y on a Saturday night.
Brought to you by the hosts of the SOME FAMILIES podcast Lotte Jeffs and
Stu Oakley, From Gay To Ze is a romp through the world of LGBTQ+ parenting, from those angst-ridden first conversations about wanting to start a family, to the sleep-deprived early years and the wild and brilliant interactions you have with a 3-year old who believes the universe revolves around them and your raison d'être is to service their every Mariah Carey moment. (Welcome to our lives).
We are two queer parents trying to survive and thrive on the childcare frontline.
I’m Lotte (hi!) an author, journalist and editor whose first picture book My Magic Family is published by Puffin. My wife and I had a daughter via IUI in 2017.
And I’m Stu (hi!), a film publicist and writer. My husband and I adopted two children in 2018 and then their younger sibling in 2019.
We’ll be exploring everything that’s just as mad and messy as it is for cis heterosexual Mums and Dads, alongside the rainbow-hued kaleidoscope of stuff that makes it more challenging for us LGBTQ+ parents and carers, whether by adoption, fostering, surrogacy or fertility treatment.
So buckle your seat belt, stick Netflix on the iPad and have a bag of Mini Cheddars at the ready as the long journey of parenthood begins…
Join the Gay-Ze community
This is a parent and baby group you are guaranteed to feel welcomed in, even if you don’t actually have kids yet. There are no cliques or judgey looks here, just support, insight, expert tips and hilarious anecdotes.
All subscribers will receive a weekly essay from us. Chuck some coins in the collection hat (ie pay to subscribe) and you will enjoy expert insights, monthly webinars that cover all aspects of LGBTQ+ parenting, and our personal recommendations for things to watch, read, listen to or just pretend to know about at dinner parties. You’ll also be able to chat to each other through our comments forum.
We’ll be offering paid subscribers a platform to interact personally with us as we build a community of LGBTQ+ parents around the world.